Spikey Software Apps

Mind Palace 1.34
Create your own personal Mind Palace (alsoreferred to as a Memory Palace) with this app. A good Mind Palaceis built from familiar places, people and things in your life whichyou will NEVER forget. The object is to put unfamiliar things youwish to remember within the Mind Palace places using variousassociation techniques.The Mind Palace concept is over 2500 years old. Now with the use ofa phone or tablet, this technique is available to the casual useras well as the memory expert.By placing items to memorize in your Mind Palace throughassociation you will possess a structure to memorize many, and morecomplex things than you ever thought possible. A well-constructedMind Palace can last a lifetime. It can grow and evolve over timeand is always with you as a vivid image in your mind. Enjoy theexperience of going through your Mind Palace and getting the memoryitems that you know are stored there.Mind Palace is a welcome addition to the student preparing forexams, persons who need to remember speeches or to anyone wishingto improve their ability to memorize things.FLASHCARD FORMATMind Palace stores the items you wish to memorize in the form oftext or images. These text and image items (3 of each) areorganized in a FlashCard format consisting of an Answer, Questionand Hint. How these items are actually used is totally up to theuser. As a bonus the Flash Card format makes available a hugeinstalled base of Flash Cards on the internet. This app has an APIto Quizlet.com, the most popular flash card site on the planet,containing millions of sets of flashcards, covering every subjectimaginable. If constructing items to memorize proves tedious on aphone or tablet, Quizlet allows for registered users (free) toconstruct their own Flash Card sets online.